BroadLoop (Drivers)

The mobile app is available on iOS and Android. Search for BroadLoop and look for the blue "b" icon.


Getting Started

  1. Add Drivers
    • Go to Admin > Drivers
    • Enter the name, phone number and 4 digit passcode for your drivers. They will need this setup before they can log into the app.
  2. Add Client
    • Go to Admin > Clients
    • Create a new Client (you can even name this something like Internal for now if you are not running a real job)
  3. Add Job
    • Go to Admin > Jobs
    • Create a new Job for the client you just created
  4. Dispatch
    • Click the blue Dispatch button in the menu
    • Choose your Client/Job from the drop downs and request a few trucks from your company
    • Click the blue plus icon to assign drivers
  5. Job Summary Report

Managing construction projects is hard work

Managing your virtual fleet is simple